Thursday, May 17, 2007

2nd day at labu (A Fucker kacau)

11, May 2007 Friday3:58 AM

today, We went to Jusco in seremban n had a lunch
Then sharin sum funny n crazy "real esperiences" and
we laughed loudy n took sum photos today.

After a movie , NEXT ,"yam yam"( a Straight guy) came to join us ,
and my frienz n i alwaz bully him while playin bowlin.
but i hv more chances to bully him coz i sat his car. haha~~~~
Actually i wil have a nice mood today.

But a Fucker come to kacau us....
Im from top of the point dropped to sad.
Wat u said ? Why u so concern about me this a few days ?
Walao...checkin me all the time...Is it i couldnt come to seremban ?
U r jux my EX !
U r not my bf..... Dun foget u hv a bf now....
I scare ur bf wil jealous soon...

U alwaz jux break ppl mood....
We were happy on the way to hv dinnerbut u were the Fucker come to kacau us...
Pls la....Cooperate a bit, MR Dxxxxx ! ! !
Wat u talked to my frienz....
U said i treated frienz beta than treated u in the pastand jux like ur appearance.
Ok well....I treated frienz is beta than u n love ur apperance,
how nice of these sentences from ur mouth...
Remember 26th Dec , 00.05am ?
Wat happened ?
We were robbed, the snatch thief was chasin u and i rushed to save ur life.
After that withdrawn my emergency money to see doctor.
Sumore spent more 2 days in MC. Remember ?

Sumore, opened a savin account v u in JAn 29 .
Wat we promised durin that time ?
Then i subsidies u to buy insurance...., remember ?
If u think i was treated u r toy then u continue to think of it la...
I dun believe my frienz no eyes to judge, sumore the god dunno how to judge....
why we break up hor ?

Bcoz of ur jealousy...until now u hv a bf u stil need to
"So concern" where am i sumore need to call my frienz n check me.
If u really not syok can come to find me.
Dun disturb my frienz....It is concern about 2 of us.
If u r thinkin i didnt love u in the past and treated u as a toy then jux let it be la.
Im not goin to fight v u, coz it is wastin my time, enegry n money to fight v u.
Wat for ? Let the frienz that knw the whole real story to judge.
U can say watever u like as long as ur mouth stil avaiable....

Aiyo, forget to shout u dim~~~
U said wat the whole world la...need to advertist ?
U jux scare the whole world is too peace.
Alwaz do sumthin til we scare of u.I beg u la, dennis.
Stop ur movement la...
Past is an experience, learn from experience n from mistake.

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